Leaders Coaching Leaders
For current and aspiring education leaders, this podcast covers evidence-based approaches for tackling immediate needs to impact student learning. Every week Peter DeWitt and our guests get together to share ideas, put research into practice, discuss what's working and what's not in equity, SEL, burnout, learning recovery, and much more to help you ensure every student is learning not by chance, but by design.
Leaders Coaching Leaders
Intentional Leadership With Peter DeWitt and Michael Nelson
Season 8
Episode 1
In this special-format episode, our co-hosts Peter DeWitt and Michael Nelson explain and set the theme for the exciting new season of the Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast with a lively discussion and interview of each other! Hear their deeply personal stories about what set them on the path to education leadership and to leading with intention. They’ll reveal their approach to their mission and their deeply felt learning mindset – and how they’ve been shaped and affected by the collaborative, mutual learning they experience every day with the many dedicated educators they feel so fortunate to work with.