Leaders Coaching Leaders
For current and aspiring education leaders, this podcast covers evidence-based approaches for tackling immediate needs to impact student learning. Every week Peter DeWitt and our guests get together to share ideas, put research into practice, discuss what's working and what's not in equity, SEL, burnout, learning recovery, and much more to help you ensure every student is learning not by chance, but by design.
Leaders Coaching Leaders
Leading for All with Jennifer Spencer-iiams
Jennifer Spencer-Iams
Season 6
Episode 9
Too many schools still rely on deeply ingrained, segregated practices that fail to serve all students. Author of the book Leading for All and district leader Jennifer Spencer-iiams would like to change this. In this episode she shares lessons learned from spending nearly a decade building a school district where all students are served in their neighborhood school and in classrooms with their general education peers. Hear how to get better academic outcomes for all students, not just those identified with disabilities, by promoting self-efficacy, improving social and emotional health, and consistently implementing research-based instructional strategies.