Leaders Coaching Leaders
For current and aspiring education leaders, this podcast covers evidence-based approaches for tackling immediate needs to impact student learning. Every week Peter DeWitt and our guests get together to share ideas, put research into practice, discuss what's working and what's not in equity, SEL, burnout, learning recovery, and much more to help you ensure every student is learning not by chance, but by design.
Leaders Coaching Leaders
How to Deepen Collaboration with Your Teams with Mike Nelson
Mike Nelson
Season 6
Episode 8
One does not often pair unreasonable and irrational with care and hospitality, but superstar superintendent Mike Nelson does. As he sees it, to get at the kind of collaboration most school leaders crave requires them go far deeper into human relations than usual. In this episode, he defines what he calls human interconnectedness and provides specific examples of what it looks like and how to get there. Topics include how to make your staff feel seen and heard every day, the benefits of taking the time to build strong connections and tips for fully immersing yourself in the daily experiences of those you lead.